Hello! If you're reading this, it is either because it came out recently and you saw it on the home page, or you clicked a link because you wanted to know a bit more about who I am and what I do. Bear with me if I give you more information than you needed to know, but you may find it interesting.
Who We Are
Okay, nine times out of ten, "we" will refer to only me, since the majority of posts are my own. This blog began as Terabyte Homeworld, created to document my junior high FLL robotics team. Now that the competition days are ancient history, I use it for my own projects, sometimes collaborating with my original team members.
My name is Will, and I am a proud young AFOL and devoted builder.
What We're All About
If you haven't already figured it out, I live in a family of complete Lego nerds, of which I am undoubtedly the nerdiest.
I enjoy building my own models, modifying and upgrading existing sets and working on robotics projects, as well as other mechanical projects and exploits. If anything on here is not directly Lego-related, it probably has something to do with technology, projectiles, weapons or explosions. (I don't think I've had any explosions yet, but all in good time).
I am a major fan of Space sets, especially the classics. I'm also a devoted Star Wars geek, which may become evident from time to time.
The logic I live by is that if it's broken, it can be fixed, and if it works fine, it can be made better.
Terminology and Syntax
I frequently use terms that are common in the Lego fan community. If you are unfamiliar with anything I say, it will probably be defined in this list:
AFOL: Adult Fan of Lego. See also TFOL (Teenage Fan of Lego) or KFOL (Kid Fan of Lego; seldom used because frankly most fans of Lego are kids).
MOC: My Own Creation. This is a generic term referring to any model you build on your own, with no instructions.
LEGO vs. Lego vs. "legos:" This is an issue all its own. to prevent me from going off on a tangent, I'll refer you to a more in-depth explanation here.
Basic Terms: I found a great post here that discusses the use of commonplace terms like Bricks, Studs, Baseplates, Tiles and so forth. These types of terms are the bread and butter of anyone wanting to talk about Lego.
Advanced Terms: There are too many to cover right here, but there's another nice reference here, which has most of the terms you will hear and plenty that you probably will never hear. Regardless, I'll put down a few of my favorites and most commonly used ones:
BURP: Big Ugly Rock Piece-- a single, large element made to look like a section of rock face.
TLG: The LEGO Group.
Brick-Built: Composed of multiple Lego elements
Cheese Slope: A 33-degree 1x1 slope that is two plates high.
Half-Stud Offset: a technique in which elements are mounted between normal stud dimensions, as with a Jumper Plate
Jumper Plate: A 1x2 plate with a single stud in the middle.
SNOT: A technique characterized either by the absence of studs on top of a model, as with a coating of tiles, or sideways building.
That was almost undoubtedly more than you needed to know, but I hope you found it interesting or at least helpful. Happy Building!
Great post, Will! It was fun and interesting and very readable. Good job.